Welcome Prof. Abdullah Al Shafi Majumder as the New Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Clinical and Interventional Cardiology (IJCIC)


Announcement: Prof. Abdullah Al Shafi Majumder appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Clinical & Interventional Cardiology

We are proud to announce that Prof. Abdullah Al Shafi Majumder, Secretary General of the Bangladesh Cardiac Society and former Director of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD), has joined the International Journal of Clinical & Interventional Cardiology as Editor-in-Chief.

With his extensive experience in the field of cardiovascular diseases and a strong commitment to promoting research and clinical practice in invasive clinical and interventional cardiology, Prof. Majumder will bring a wealth of expertise and leadership to the journal.

Under his guidance, the International Journal of Invasive Clinical and Interventional Cardiology will continue to provide a platform for the publication of high-quality research and clinical practice in these fields, and will continue to promote the advancement of these areas through the dissemination of cutting-edge research and ideas.

We are excited to welcome Prof. Majumder to the International Journal of Invasive Clinical and Interventional Cardiology, and look forward to working with him to further our mission of advancing the field of invasive clinical and interventional cardiology.